Polish Texans Website
Genealogy Database
1838 - 1913 (75 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1845 | - 29 Dec 1845: Texas enters the union as the 28th state
2 | 1846 | - 1846: Polish uprising in Austrian partition of Poland fails.
3 | 1850 | - 1850: Texas's first railroad, the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos and Colorado, is chartered.
4 | 1854 | - 1854: One hundred Polish families arrive in Galveston, an event marking the start of major Polish immigration to Texas. The first organized settlement of Polish immigrants in America is founded at Panna Maria in Karnes County, Texas
5 | 1861 | - 12 Apr 1861: The United States Civil War begins
6 | 1863 | - 1863: Unsuccessful Polish rebellion against Russia
- 1 Jan 1863: The Confederates win the Battle of Galveston.
7 | 1865 | - 14 Apr 1865: Abraham Lincoln is assassinated
- May 1865: The Civil War ends
- 19 Jun 1865: Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger arrives in Galveston with word that slavery has been abolished.
- 18 Dec 1865: The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified; slavery is abolished.
8 | 1866 | - 19 Sep 1866: Texas cotton planters meet and organize the Waverly Emigration Society.
9 | 1867 | - 23 Apr 1867: Meyer Levy and twenty-nine Polish families arrive in Galveston and head to New Waverly, Texas.
10 | 1875 | - 1875: Joseph Bartula becomes the first Polish immigrant to settle in Bremond, Texas
11 | 1876 | - 4 Oct 1876: Texas A&M opens with 40 students and a faculty of six men.
12 | 1895 | - 14 Feb 1895: A rare Gulf Coast snowstorm dumps up to 20 inches of snow on the Houston-Galveston area.
13 | 1899 | - 20 Jun 1899: A severe flood on the Brazos River in Texas kills nearly 300.
14 | 1900 | - 8 Sep 1900: The Great Galveston Storm destroys half the city and kills thousands.
15 | 1909 | - 1909: Stefan Nesterowicz visits the major Polish communities in Texas.
Polish Texans Genealogy
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