Members and guests of the Polish Genealogical Society of Texas met in at the Tracy Gee Community Center in Houston on Saturday, November 7, 2009 for the annual pot luck social and election of officers. Everyone present enjoyed a delicious meal, fellowship with friends and of course, the door prizes. Outgoing president Barbara Lee gave out awards to various members for outstanding contributions to the society over the last year and a new board of directors was elected.
The new board consists of;
President: Dolores Wisnoski Newman
Vice President: Virginia Felchak Hill
Treasurer: Shirley Starr Burzynski
Secretary: Open
Trustee: Doris Jaeschke Kosub
Trustee: James Smock
Ex Officio: Barbara Macejewski Lee
PGST is looking for someone to take the position of Secretary. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on the board with some really great and knowlegeable Polish genealogy experts, contact them and volunteer.