On Sunday, November 22, 2009, St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Chappell Hill held a Children’s Mass followed by a cultural Thanksgiving party for the CCD students and parishioners. The children, several of whom were dressed in traditional Polish costumes, served as greeters, lectors, altar servers and offering collectors and they also took the offerings to the altar.
After Mass, everyone went to the parish hall for a delicious meal which included pierogi, golabki, kapusta, rosol and other traditional Polish foods. Virginia Hill and Barbara Lee from the Polish Genealogical Society of Texas assembled the children on the stage and spoke to them about their Polish heritage. Dr. Jim Mazurkiewicz then took the stage with his concertina and played some old time Polish music for everyone. St. Stanislaus religious education director Helen Gurka did a great job of organizing the Thanksgiving party and the children and adults all had a good time.
Below are a few photos of the fun and there is a slideshow of more photos on page 2.

Slideshow of more photos on page 2