On Sunday, November 14, 2010, St. Stanislaus Parish in Anderson, Texas got together to thank the many volunteers who worked so hard to make their annual homecoming bazaar a sucess. The celebration began with a special Mass which commemorated the feast day of St. Stanislaus Kostka. At the end of the Mass, Tommy Szymczak gave a presentation on the story of the churches patron saint and then a Litany to St. Stanislaus was recited in Polish and English.
After Mass parishioners headed to the beautiful new parish hall for food, fun and fellowship. Father Jo Jo said a blessing and then everyone lined up for a delicious chicken fried steak diner. Following the dinner, awards were handed out and recognition was given for all of the hard work that led to a successful bazaar. In the early afternoon, The Texas Paradise band with Brian Marshall, Phil Berger, Kyle Berger, Larry Vivian, Chuck Bolin, Kevin Syzdek and Mike Kurtin took to the stage and played lots of good dance music for the crowd. This is the same band that has played at the St. Stanislaus annual homecoming bazaar for the last 26 years.
Below are a few photos of the fun and there is a slideshow of more photos on page 2. There are a few music videos in the Polish Texans Video section or you can see more videos on our YouTube Channel.